Sizer is supplied to you with Standard and Custom database files. The standard database materials used by Sizer for glulam and sawn lumber are those listed in the NDS Supplement. The material properties of the standard database files can only be changed or updated by the American Wood Council. However, WoodWorks Database Editor permits you to exclude materials, species, grades and sections that are not readily available in your area.
You can also create custom database files from scratch with Database Editor using materials available in your area. You can modify all material, grade, species, and section properties of custom database files.
The CLT, I-joist, and SCL database files supplied with Sizer are also custom files that you can modify in accordance with materials from your suppliers.
To save time, you can create a custom database file by copying from the standard database, but it is not recommended to modify the properties of standard database files in this manner.
You can also specify non-standard dimensions in Sizer as long as you first specify a species and grade. This permits you to perform a design check of sections not in either the standard database files or a custom database file.
Suppliers of manufactured wood products who wish to have their products included as standard database files, or who would like a customized version of Sizer should contact the Canadian Wood Council at our toll-free number (1-800-463-5091).