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Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)

The default CLT materials under the CLT material selection are per APA PRG 320-19 Annex A. It is also possible to create custom CLT materials using Database Editor. Sizer also includes proprietary CLT products from Element5 and KLH.


The Species corresponding to those described as composing standard layups given in PRG 320 Annex A

Note that all these species correspond to layups with both the transverse and longitudinal layers the same. When making a custom CLT database file with layers of different species, you could create a new species called e.g. S-P-F/Northern.


These are the designations E1, E2, E3, E4, V1, V2, V3, listed as Layups in PRG 320 Annex A, Tables A1 and A2, but are technically CLT grades and appear as such in the CLT grading stamp. They specify the species and grade of lumber used in the alternating transverse and longitudinal CLT layers. Strictly speaking, a layup also specifies the thicknesses of the layers.


All sections are assumed to be 12" or 1m wide, corresponding to the arbitrary design width with units you are employing.

The depths are the actual and nominal panel depth in inches. For the standard CLT database, these sizes are the same, although the nominal depth is expressed in fractional format and the actual depth in decimal.

The depths are from the following sources:

PRG 320

The sections in PRG 320 Annex A Table A2:

4-1/8", 6-7/8", and 9-5/8" (105, 175, and 245 mm) depths composed of 1-3/8" layers throughout.

Manufacturers Sizes

The following sizes produced by major CLT manufacturers are also included to provide a larger array of default choices:

3-7/16", 5-1/2", 7-9/16", and 9-5/8" ( 87, 139, 191, and 243 mm) composed of 1-3/8" longitudinal layers and 0.67" transverse layers.

12-3/8" (315 mm) composed of 1-3/8" layers throughout.

Please note that the strength properties for these sizes do not correspond to those from any manufacturer; they are the strength properties for the PRG 320 grades


The CLT specification includes the number of layers and the thickness of transverse and longitudinal layers. Neither Database Editor nor Sizer verifies that the thicknesses of the layers sum to the panel thickness; it is your responsibility to ensure the data entered are consistent.

There is also an option to have two parallel layers consecutively as the outermost layers at each side of the panel for extra strength in longitudinal loading.

CLT Design

Refer to the topics under CLT Design - PRG 320, FPInnovations Handbook, and CSA O86 for a complete exposition of design for CLT in Sizer.

See Also


Custom Sizes (b x d)

Materials Database




Structural Composite Lumber (SCL)
