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Mode: Beam

Beam mode allows you to quickly enter and design individual wood bending members using the stiffness method.

To select Beam mode, choose Beam from the Mode menu or press the Mode button on the Tool Bar.

Main Work Area

When in Beam View, the main work area allows you to specify the beam dimensions, support positions (spans), material, species, and grade used and other needed information such as beam slope, deflection limits, and cantilevers.

The beam with its slope, spans, and supports is displayed on the bottom of the screen.

When in Loads View, the main work area is used to load the beam, and a diagram of the beam with a selected load is displayed at the bottom of the screen. For more information, see How To Load The member.


After clicking the Design button, two sets of Design Results become available – a Design Summary and Analysis Results. A window with reactions, bending, shear, and deflection diagrams is also available. When a beam section is selected in the Data Bar, detailed Design Check Results are available for that section.


The Tool Bar allows you to quickly change between Beam, Details, Loads, Diagram, and the three Results views and to quickly execute a design by clicking the Design button. The Data Bar allows you to select a particular section for further design. Status Bar provides you with information and instructions The status bar displays the function of each Tool Bar button if you pass the mouse cursor over a button.

See Also

Mode Menu

Mode: Concept

Mode: Column