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Mode: Concept

Concept mode provides a graphical work area where you can configure and design a complete structure in plan view. You can also open another window to view the structure in Elevation View, and windows for viewing design results and a materials list.


Concept Mode includes a Tool Bar with various buttons used to navigate between views, a Data Bar to view and modify data pertaining the building elements, and a Status Bar to provide you with information and instructions.

The Status Bar displays the function of each Tool Bar button when you pass the mouse cursor over it.

Main Work Area

The main works area contains scroll bars that allow you to pan across the structure if it is larger than the window. Rulers allow you to position the cursor within the work area accurately and quickly. Building elements are created using the mouse.

To find out how to create a structure, refer to Create a Structure in Concept Mode.

See Also

Mode Menu

Mode: Beam

Mode: Column