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If self weight is is included automatically, the program creates a special 0'th load combination with self-weight only, and shows shear and bending results for that load combination in the analysis results.

Before a member has been completed specified in Beam View or by selecting a Suggested Section, the Analysis Results show values for this combination due to an arbitrary weight of 1 N/mm (68.5 plf), and do not include the self-weight stresses in the analysis graphs or tables for other load combinations.

When a member is selected , the self-weight is included in the graphs and tables for other load combinations.

Values reported in the Design Check output always reflect the true self weight. Automatically generated self-weight appears as a load in the design results output in the list of input loads.

See Also

Loads and Analysis

Load Input

Load Options

Importance Factor

Load Combinations

Pattern Loading

Concentrated Loads

Sloped Member Load Direction and Projection

Structural Analysis

Points Of Interest