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NBC 2015, CSA O86-14 Updates 1 and 2, and S16-14

Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in version 10 and may not reflect current program behaviour

The program now implements the 2015 National Building Code (NBC), but still retains the implementation of design with the NBC 2010 as a user option.

  1. Choice of Design Codes and Standards

    In the Design Code drop list the Design procedures data group of the Design settings, the choice CSA O86-14/ NBC 2010 has changed to CSA O86-14/ NBC 2015. The CSA O86-09/ NBC 2010 choice remains unchanged.

    This change is also reflected in the output of the design settings, the About Sizer box accessed from the Help menu and in the Building Codes box accessed from Welcome box, and the Welcome box.

  2. CSA O86-14 Updates

    The program now indicates in the About Sizer box and the Building Codes box that the CSA O86-14 implementation now includes Update No. 1 from May 2016 and Update No. 2 from June 2017. The latter update caused some design code clause reference numbers to change.

  3. S16-14 Edition

    The program now indicates in the About Sizer box and the Building Codes box that the program conforms to the 2014 edition of the S16 Design of Steel Structures standard. There were no substantive changes from the 2009 edition affecting Sizer.

  4. Wood Design Manual

    The reference to the CWC Wood Design Manual in the Building Codes box has been updated from 2015 to 2017.

  5. Steel Beam Database Update

    The steel beam database file has been updated to reflect the availability of W shapes in the latest version of the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction 11th Edition as some shapes from the 10th Edition were deleted, marked as not commonly used, or not readily available. 19 shapes have been marked as Ignore and can only be activated in Sizer using Database Editor: W610x 84, 91; W530x 72, 150; W460x 61, 67, 106, 158; W410x 100, 114, 132, 149; W360x 110, 122, 147, 162; W200x 86, 100; W150 x24.

  6. On-line Help

    The on-line Help in the old Windows format containing references to the CSA O86-09 design code provisions has been removed from the program. The newer Web Help showing CSA O86-14 references is retained. It currently refers to the NBC 2010 design code and has not been yet been updated for Version 10 features and changes. This will be done over time and updates posted to the web site.

See Also

Sizer 10

Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design

Beam and Joist Hanger Database and Design

Steel Columns

Fire Design

Sloped Beam Loads Drawing

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Engineering Design

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Loads Analysis

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Input and Program Operation

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Graphics

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Output

Sizer 10.1

Sizer 10.2

Sizer 10.3