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Steel Columns

Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in version 10 and may not reflect current program behaviour.

The program now includes square, rectangular and round Hollow Structural Section (HSS). steel columns from the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction Manual, 11th Edition, 2nd Printing May 20, 2016, using the CSA S16-14 design standard.

  1. Program Mode

    The implementation is limited to Column Mode and is not included in Concept mode

  2. Assumptions

    Steel columns may be loaded in either axial compression or tension, or combined with bending about one or axis.

    Steel columns are pin-ended; thus, their bending stiffness does not contribute to the lateral resistance of the structure. i.e., we assume the frame is braced against sway. This allows us to make some simplifying assumptions such as effective length factor K ≤ 1.0, no second-order drift effects, and absence of torsion.

  3. Steel Strengths and Modulus of Elasticity

    The following yield strength Fy, and modulus of elasticity values are used

  4. Database

    A steel column database file is included based on steel sections from the CISC handbook, pages 6-97 to 6-107 for all steel strengths except ASTM A500 which uses pages 6-108 to 6-117.

    Imperial values for the steel column dimensions are found on pages 6-31 to 6-33

    The moment capacity Mr (including Mrx and Mry for rectangular HSS) are found on pages 4-32 to 4-100.

    1. Size Limits

      The following size limits are adopted

      Square maximum dxb = 305x305, minimum dxb = 76x76 mm

      Rectangular maximum dxb = 305x203, minimum dxb = 76x51 mm

      Round maximum diameter = 273, minimum diameter = 76 mm

    2. Dimensions

      In Sizer, square and rectangular sections are represented as d x b x t using the nominal database values. Round HSS are displayed as D x t where D is the nominal diameter. t is the wall thickness.

    3. Grades

      The database is organized into the following four grades: G40.21 Class C, G40.21 Class H, ASTM 500 Grade C, ASTM A1085.

    4. Omitted ASTM 500 Grade C Sections

      For ASTM 500 Grade C, a section appearing on pages 6-108 to 6-117 in the steel handbook may be absent on pages 4-80 to 4-92. Since CISC has decided to omit some sections from their resistance tables we decided to do the same. This is only true for the following square and rectangular sections, respectively,

    305x305x6.4 254x254x4.8 203x203x4.8 178x178x4.8 127x127x3.2

    305x203x6.4 305x152x6.4 254x152x4.8 203x152x4.8 203x102x4.8 152x102x3.2 152x76x3.2 127x76x3.2

  5. User interface
    1. Material

      Steel is added as a column material

    2. Strength

      The Species field is retasked as Strength and populated with grades from the database. Unknown is not an option.

    3. Shape

      The Grade field is retasked as Shape and includes Square, Rectangular, and Round. Unknown is not an option

    4. Depth

      The Width field is renamed Depth and used to store HSS depths. For round sections, it is called Diameter. It includes an unknown field.

    5. Width

      The Depth field is renamed Width and used to store HSS widths. It includes an unknown field.

    6. Thickness

      The Spacing field is renamed Thickness and used to store wall thicknesses. It includes an unknown field.

    7. Disabled Inputs

      The following inputs are disabled: Modification factors data group, Built-up members, Ke for lateral support, Fixed and Free end conditions.

  6. Design
    1. Design Criteria

      Design values are compressive resistance Cr, tensile resistance Tr , shear resistance Vr, moment resistance Mr. These are compared to the factored forces Cf, Tf, Vf, and Mf.

    2. Design Procedures

      The following S-16 design code clauses are implemented

      • 10.4.2 - Maximum slenderness ratio
      • 11.1 - Axial and Flexural Classification
      • 11.3 – Widths and thickness [used for design]
      • 13.2 - Axial Tension
      • 13.3 - Axial Compression
      • 13.4 - Shear
      • 13.5 – Bending - Laterally supported members
      • 13.6 - Bending – Laterally unsupported members
      • 13.8 - Axial compression and bending
      • 13.9 - Axial tension and bending
    3. Special Assumptions

      The following assumptions about specific provisions are implemented:

      • 13.2 Axial Tension: it is assumed that the steel column is welded to its bearing plate, thus there is no need to calculate a net area based on the presence of bolt holes.
      • 13.3 - Axial Compression: There are no round HSS sections from the database that will buckle locally so 13.3.1 can be used
      • 13.3.5 - Compression members subjected to elastic local buckling: We reviewed the Cr values produced by 13.3.5 and found that for HSS sections the Cr values from 13.3.5(a) are always within 1% of the values in the CISC Steel Manual. The values calculated by 13.3.5(b), however, produce values that can differ from -30% to 7% from those in the CISC Steel Manual. Thus, we will ignore clause 13.3.5(b) and just use 13.3.5(a).
      • 13.6 - Bending – Laterally unsupported members - As an upper limit, 13.6(b)(i) says to use 0.90* My for class 3 and to use clause 13.5(c)(iii) for sections with a flexural class 4 flange. However, when loaded on the b face, there are no rectangular HSS sections with a class 4 flange hence, 0.90*My will be used as the upper limit.
  7. Output
    1. Analysis vs. Design

      The design criteria listed above are shown in the Analysis vs. Design table, along with the design ratios for a passing design, i.e. Cf/Cr ≤ 1, Tf/Tr ≤ 1, Vf/Vr ≤ 1 and Mf/Mr ≤ 1.

      For the Combined criterion, the program shows the equations for all 3 relevant code clauses, 13.8.3(a), (b), (c)) but only when a combined Cf and Mf load combination governs

    2. Additional Data

      In the Calculations section, the program shows the following:

      The axial classification if an axial compressive load (Cf) is present.

      The flexural classification if bending (Mf) is present.

      A table showing the values U1, ω1, Cr, and Mr for the governing load combination and for each each equation in 13.8.3(a), (b) and (c).

See Also

Sizer 10

NBC 2015, CSA O86-14 Updates 1 and 2, and S16-14

Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design

Beam and Joist Hanger Database and Design

Fire Design

Sloped Beam Loads Drawing

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Engineering Design

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Loads Analysis

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Input and Program Operation

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Graphics

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Output

Sizer 10.1

Sizer 10.2

Sizer 10.3