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Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Output

Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in version 10 and may not reflect current program behaviour.

  1. Fire-exposed Faces in Design Check Report (Change 206)

    Under the materials specification in the Design Check Output, the program now indicates which faces are exposed to fire, rather than just indicating 3 or 4 faces are exposed.

    For beams, it now shows Exposed top or bottom and sides instead of 3 sides, and Exposed all sides instead of 4 sides.

    For columns, it shows Exposed on two d-faces and one b-face instead of 3 sides, and Exposed all faces instead of 4 sides,

    Note that this is just a temporary measure, and we intend to implement a new feature allowing you to control what surfaces are exposed to fire, and the descriptions will change again at that time.

  2. Clear spans in Design Check Output (Change 204)

    The program now shows the length of each clear span in the Design Check output report next to the total beam length, as this information does not appear in the diagram in this report.

  3. Irrelevant Ke x L and Load Face in Design Check (Change 209)

    Under the materials specification of the Design Check report, the Ke x L values have been removed for tension and lateral-only design, for which they are irrelevant, and the load face has been removed for pure axial design for the same reason.

  4. Built-up Beam Design Width Setting Output (Change 210)

    In the CALCULATIONS section of the Design Check output, the program now shows the design setting choice of whether single-ply or full member width for built-up members was used for beam stability calculations.

  5. Passing Design Note (Change 218)

    A note saying This section PASSES the design code check is now shown in the Design Check output for passing designs.

  6. Reporting of System Factor KH for Oblique Angle Beams (Bug 3258)

    For oblique angle beams, in the Factors table of the Additional Data, the system KH factor for the weak axis (y) direction is given as 0.0, when it should be the value of the factor, which is at least 1.0. This was a reporting bug only, as KH is correctly incorporated into the design strength.

    This did not occur for weak-axis columns loaded on the d face, and has been corrected.

  7. Bearing Width and Length in Oblique Angle Note (Bug 3197)

    The note for oblique angles indicates the bearing width used is b, but the bearing width can now be set by the user, so this part of the note has been removed, as has the phrase adjust bearing length for actual support geometry, because it is now possible to do so using the program.

  8. Nr Bearing Output for Sloped Beams (Change 213)

    The Nr for compressive resistance at an angle to the grain value in the Bearing output for sloped beams showed the stress in MPa or psi instead of force units like kN or lbs, but the Nr in O86 6.5.8 is in force units. As the same value in force units is already shown in the Resistance | Joist/Beam field, the Nr line has been removed.

  9. Custom Design Notes in Design Summary and ASCII Design Check (Bug 3280)

    Custom design notes entered in the Design Notes settings only appear in the Enhanced (graphical) Design Check, and not in the Design Summary for unknown section nor in the ASCII version of the Design Check.

  10. Persistence of First Custom Design Note in Settings (Bug 3279)

    Starting with version 9.2 Canada, when the first of the notes in the Design Notes settings page was checked, the checked state was not registered and did not persist when the page is re-opened. As a result, the note did not appear in the Design Check summary, nor could you save it as a default note for new files. This has been corrected.

  11. Force Units for Concentrated Loads (Change 199)

    In the loads tables, "plf" and "kN/m" were appearing as the units for concentrated loads rather than "lbs" and kN. This has been corrected.

  12. I-Joist Composite EI Nomenclature (Change 196)

    In the Calculations section of the Additional Data output, the term EIcomp has been changed to EIeff. This confused some users, because although the I-joist composite action is just a 10% approximation, the true calculations using the McCutcheon method use EIeff for the resultant stiffness, and EIcomp is an intermediate calculation.

  13. KD Factors in Analysis file for Steel Beams (Change 216)

    The program was outputting the section of the Analysis output for KD factors when steel beams were designed, even though they are for wood design only. It has been removed for steel beams.

  14. KD Nomenclature

    All instances of the duration factor KD being presented in the program output as Kd have been changed to KD. These appear in the Design Check output and the Analysis results.

  15. Analysis vs. Design Table Spacing (Change 197)

    In a few places, items in the Analysis vs. Design table which were not indented consistently were adjusted.

  16. Design Code Reference in Lateral Stability Note (Change 212)

    In a Design Note regarding lateral stability, the program referred to CSA O86 for the O86-14 design option, but it should be This has been corrected.

  17. Design Ratio Output Alignment (Change 200)

    The alignment of the Design Ratio output in the Design Check report for percentages greater than 100% has been improved.

  18. Bearing Design Ratio Nomenclature (Change 202)

    The term Anal/Des in the Bearing and Reactions table has been replaced with Des. Ratio

  19. Lateral Stability Units in Output (Bug 3120)

    In Column Mode Design Check output the Ke x ld value for lateral stability showed inches as the unit, although the value was in feet. This has been corrected.

  20. Loads Note Font (Change 215)

    The note for importance factor appearing below the loads table should is no longer in fixed pitch font.

  21. Custom Sizes Message Formatting (Change 219, 221)

    Several warning messages in the Design Check output regarding custom sizes had inconsistent capitalization and missing spaces, and have been corrected.

See Also

Sizer 10

NBC 2015, CSA O86-14 Updates 1 and 2, and S16-14

Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design

Beam and Joist Hanger Database and Design

Steel Columns

Fire Design

Sloped Beam Loads Drawing

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Engineering Design

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Loads Analysis

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Input and Program Operation

Bug Fixes and Small Improvements – Graphics

Sizer 10.1

Sizer 10.2

Sizer 10.3