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Creating Loads

Creating an Area Load

Press the Load button, and in the Data Bar select Area Load from the from the Distribution listbox . Select the load type. Enter a load value in the Mag: field, noting the units (psf or kN/m2). Click four gridpoints that enclose one or more joist areas. Only those joist areas completely enclosed will be loaded.

Creating a Line Load

Press the Load button, and in the Data Bar select Line load from the Distribution listbox . Select the load type. Enter a load value in the Mag: field, noting the units (plf or kN/m). Click any two gridpoints on a beam or wall to apply the load, which will be applied to the entire length of a beam. Alternatively, double-click on a beam to load the entire beam.

Creating a Point Load

Press the Load button, and in the Data Bar select Point load from the Distribution listbox . Select the load type. Enter a load value in the Mag: field, noting the units (kips, lbs, or kN ). Click any gridpoints on a beam or wall to apply the load. If a point load already exists at that point, a double-click is used. A double-click is also necessary if the Preference setting indicates double-clicks are required for gridlines, columns, and point loads.

When adding a second point load, it is necessary to first create the load then select the newly created load and change the load type to the one you want.

Creating an Uplift Load

Enter a negative number in the the Magnitude field for uplift loading.

Editing a Load

Press the Load button and select the line or area load you wish to change. The load information associated with the highlighted load will appear in the Data Bar. When more then one load is applied to a member or area, you can select the one you want either by repeatedly clicking in the area. line, or point in question, or by selecting the load in the Loads listbox in the Data Bar. You may then change both the Type and Magnitude of the selected load, but you cannot change the Distribution You can also change the name of the load. When you press Enter or click outside the Data Bar you will be asked if you want the changes to be applied.

Selecting Multiple Loads

If you keep the Ctrl key depressed as you select loads, the Loads listbox in the Data Bar will show (Multiple), and will contain a list of all the loads you have selected. You may then change the properties of all the loads at once, as long as they are all line loads, all area loads, or all point loads. .

See Also

Creating a Structure

Creating Levels

Creating a Grid

Creating Columns

Creating Beams

Creating Walls

Creating Joist Areas