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Creating a Grid

The grid plan defines the locations of columns, walls, joist areas and load locations. Press the Grid button to enter Grid View, then wherever you click the mouse a gridpoint is created that consists of two intersecting gridlines which run vertically (north-south) and horizontally (east-west).

If you wish to create just one gridline in one direction, click in the margin ( < 0 ) where it is impossible to create a gridlline in other direction.

All columns are located at gridpoints; beams and walls start and end at gridpoints; and joist areas have a gridpoint at each corner. Line loads start and end at gridpoints located along beams and walls. Area loads have a gridpoint at each corner.

Generating a Grid

You can create an entire grid of gridlines by using the Generate Grid command. It is sometimes useful to set a large snap increment in the View Settings to generate a grid, then set a finer snap increment to create intermediate gridlines later for more detailed design.

Gridpoint Elevations

Building members do not have to start ot end exactly the same elevation as the building levels. Refer to Gridpoint Elevations to find out how to raise and lower the gridpoint elevations and to Rules for Supporting Building Members to see how these determine the elevation of the building members

In This Section

Gridpoint Elevations

See Also

Creating a Structure

Creating Levels

Creating Columns

Creating Beams

Creating Walls

Creating Joist Areas

Creating Loads