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Creating Walls

To create a wall, press the Wall button and then click and drag the mouse pointer between any two gridpoints to create a wall. The wall may extend over any number of gridpoints. Typically a wall will run along a north-south or east-west gridline but they may also run diagonally. The elevation at the top of the wall equals the elevation of gridpoint at the current level. The elevation at the bottom of the wall is the elevation of the gridpoint at the level where a supporting member is found. A wall at a higher level can be supported by a wall or beam on a lower level, or by a joist area under certain conditions – see Wall Supported By Joist Area If no support is found the wall is assumed to run down to the ground (elevation 0). Refer to Joist Supports for a full explanation.

The design properties of each wall depend upon the currently selected Design Group in the Groups field of the Data Bar.

See Also

Creating a Structure

Creating Levels

Creating a Grid

Creating Columns

Creating Beams

Creating Joist Areas

Creating Loads