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Creating Beams

Creating a Simply Supported Beam

To create a simply supported beam, press the Beam button and then click and drag between any two supports such that the endpoints of the beam are at gridpoints. A beam may be supported by a column or another beam on the same level. A beam supported by another beam must have a higher Load Transfer Number than the supporting beam. Refer to Beam Supports for a full explanation.

The design properties of each beam depend upon the currently selected Design Group in the Groups field of the Data Bar.

Creating a Multi-span Beam

Click and drag over a maximum of six column or beam supports . The beam must cross directly over a gridpoint in order for the column to be considered as a support; however a beam can support another beam at any point.

Creating a Cantilever Beam

Click and drag between any two gridpoints ensuring that the beam covers at least two supports.

See Also

Creating a Structure

Creating Levels

Creating a Grid

Creating Columns

Creating Walls

Creating Joist Areas

Creating Loads