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Bending Moment Design

Sizer compares the factored bending moment resistance Mr to the internal moment M at the point on the beam with the critical ratio M / Mr ratio. Sizer checks this ratio at the point of highest moment M in the interior of each span, and at the ends of the span.

For. multi-span and cantilevered beams, both positive and negative bending moments are checked.

If there is an interior notch, the bending moment resistance at the beam support uses the reduced section size to calculate Mr

For rotated beams (oblique angle), the a moment resistance calculated for each axis using the section modulus in each direction. For SCL members separate fbx and fby resistances are used. Refer to Weak Axis Glulam Design for the glulam procedure. The resistance calculated for each direction is then compared to the component of of the bending moment in that direction. Results for both directions are output. I-joists and CLT cannot be rotated.

In This Section

Moment Resistance Calculation

See Also

Design Criteria

Shear Design

Bearing Design

Axial Compression

Axial Tension

Combined Lateral Bending and Axial Load

Deflection Design

Vibration-controlled Span

Fire Design