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Vibration-controlled Span

If desired, vibration calculations are applied to joist and CLT floor members in both Beam mode and Concept mode.

Design Procedures

Using a design setting, you can choose whether you wish to include a floor vibration design criterion for joist or CLT floor design. For sawn lumber or I-joists, there is a choice of which procedure to use. The procedures are described in the subtopics below.


A Vibration Details dialog box invoked from Beam View or from Concept mode Joist Groups allows you input the information required by each of these procedures.


For all these procedures, vibration is a design criterion for which a member can fail, and a failing member will be passed over in the search for successful designs for unknown section size.


The actual longest span on the member, the maximum allowable vibration-controlled span length, and the ratio between them, are shown shown in the Analysis vs Design output table of the Design Check output. Inadequate vibration span lengths are indicated by a failure warning message.

In This Section

CSA O86 Procedure for Joists of Any Material

NBC Procedure for Sawn Lumber

CCMC/CWC Procedure for I-joists

CSA O86 Procedure for CLT Floors

See Also

Design Criteria

Bending Moment Design

Shear Design

Bearing Design

Axial Compression

Axial Tension

Combined Lateral Bending and Axial Load

Deflection Design

Fire Design