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NDS 3.9 - Combined Bending and Axial Loading, and Biaxial Bending

In the presence of an axial load WoodWorks Sizer limits bending to just a single axis.

NDS 3.9.1 Bending and axial tension

According to Equation 3.9.1, which applies when axial tension loads and bending loads are present

NDS 3.9-1


NDS 3.9-2

where Ft’ = Ft CM Ct CD CF CPt,

Fb* = Fb CM Ct CD Cr Cv CPt (i.e, missing CL) ,

and Fb** =Fb CM Ct CD Cr CL CPt (i.e, missing Cv)

Note that the proviso that Fb** is missing Cv applies only to SCL and glulam, as these are the only ones with volume factors.

Note that there is no provision saying that these equations should be applied in the absence of tension loads. Since Cv can be greater than 1 for SCL, in this case it would be equivalent to the bending check without the Cv included, rendering a Cv which is greater than one meaningless. It does mean, however, that the presence of even a tiny tension load negates the effect of a Cv greater than 1.

In Sizer, this currently applies to columns, and wall studs only as there are no axial loads on beams.

For CLT wall panels, the Fb used in determining Fb* and Fb** is for the laminations in the longitudinal (axial) direction. The 0.85 factor for conservatism that is applied to the value of (FbS)eff in PRG 320 Table A2 is also applied to Fb* and Fb** for major axis design (wall panels with outer vertical longitudinal layers).

Note that for CLT, Fb* = Fb** = Fb, as the Cv and CL factors are not applicable to CLT design in Sizer.

NDS 3.9.2 Bending and axial compression

For the case of combined axial compression load and a bending load on the one of the faces of the member

Sizer fully implements this equation and the conditions under "where...", and the appropriate values are used to compute fcE for the case of loading on the weak axis for anisotropic materials such as glulam and LVL. .

In Sizer, this currently applies to columns and wall studs, and wall panels only as there are no axial loads on beams.

Note that given our assumptions of column bending about one axis only, the equation 3.9-4 is already handled by the condition fc < FcE2.

NDS and 3.9.2 Biaxial bending

For the case of biaxial bending in beams, equation 3.9.3 is

NDS 3.9-3

where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to loading on the narrow and wide face of the member respectively.

Equation 3.9-3 applies to all bending members whether or not axial loads are present, by virtue of 3.3.10.

It is important to note that we assume the anisotropy of the member is always oriented the same way with respect to b and d (i.e. LVL laminations are always parallel to d dimension, and glulam laminations parallel to the b dimension),so that

For d >= b, Fb1 = Fbx

Fb2 = Fby .

for b > d

Fb1 = Fby

Fb2 = Fbx,

The Euler buckling coefficients FbE are the same ones that are used to compute the beam stability factors.

NDS 3.3-6


Appendix D-4 (1.03 replaced by 1.05 for glulam)

and Slenderness ration RB

NDS 3.3-5

However, in this case the E, b and d values used in the computation are with respect to the load on the longest face of the member, so that d in this formulation is in fact

d = max( d, b)

and b = min( d, b)


E = Ex for d >= b

E = Ey for b > d

and le is the effective length defined in NDS .

See Also

National Design Specification (NDS)

NDS 1.4 - Design Loads

NDS 3.1.2 - Net Section Area

NDS 2.3 - General Adjustment Factors

NDS 3.2 - Bending Members - General

NDS 3.3 - Bending Members - Flexure

NDS 3.4 - Bending Members - Shear

NDS 3.5 - Bending Members - Deflection

NDS 3.6 , 3.7 and C3.7.1 - Compression Members and Solid Columns

NDS C3.7.1 - Alternative Stability Factor for CLT Wall Panels

NDS 3.8 Tension Members

NDS 3.10 - Design for Bearing

NDS 4.3 - Adjustment Factors (Sawn Lumber)

NDS 4.4 and 5.4- Special Design Considerations

NDS 5.3, Supplement Tables 5A-5D - Glulam Adjustment Factors

NDS Appendix D and Supplement Table 5- Glulam E'min

NDS 7 - Wood I-Joists

NDS 8 - Structural Composite Lumber

NDS 10.3 - CLT Adjustment Factors

NDS 10.4.1 - CLT Stiffness

NDS 15.2 and 15.3 - Spaced and Built-up Columns

NDS 15.4 - Wood Columns with Side Loads and Eccentricity

NDS C15.4 - CLT Combined Axial and Bending

NDS 16, AWC TR 10, and AWC Fire Standard - Fire Design

NDS Appendix N - LRFD Design