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NDS 4.4 and 5.4- Special Design Considerations

4.4.1 and 5.4.2-Stability of Bending Members

The user is responsible for ensuring that the depth to breadth ratios are satisfied whenever a fully restrained condition is assumed or specified in WoodWorks SIZER. Refer to NDS 3.3 for more details.

4.4.2-Wood Trusses

This provision has not been implemented.

5.4.4 - Tapered bending members

Tapered members have not been implemented in Sizer. It is possible to create a taper to 1/3 the span length via a tapered notch. Only the provisions of 6.4.5 and 3.4.3 regarding notches are applied in this circumstance, so that deflections and bending values are not calculated using the net area of the tapered section.

4.4.3- and 5.4.5. - Notches

This limitations on notch sizes and locations have been implemented in the program. Warnings appear in the user interface when users enter invalid notches for known member sizes, and the program takes the notch size into account when searching for a design for unknown member size. The exception given for glulam tapered notches in 5.4.5 has been implemented.

See Also

National Design Specification (NDS)

NDS 1.4 - Design Loads

NDS 3.1.2 - Net Section Area

NDS 2.3 - General Adjustment Factors

NDS 3.2 - Bending Members - General

NDS 3.3 - Bending Members - Flexure

NDS 3.4 - Bending Members - Shear

NDS 3.5 - Bending Members - Deflection

NDS 3.6 , 3.7 and C3.7.1 - Compression Members and Solid Columns

NDS C3.7.1 - Alternative Stability Factor for CLT Wall Panels

NDS 3.8 Tension Members

NDS 3.9 - Combined Bending and Axial Loading, and Biaxial Bending

NDS 3.10 - Design for Bearing

NDS 4.3 - Adjustment Factors (Sawn Lumber)

NDS 5.3, Supplement Tables 5A-5D - Glulam Adjustment Factors

NDS Appendix D and Supplement Table 5- Glulam E'min

NDS 7 - Wood I-Joists

NDS 8 - Structural Composite Lumber

NDS 10.3 - CLT Adjustment Factors

NDS 10.4.1 - CLT Stiffness

NDS 15.2 and 15.3 - Spaced and Built-up Columns

NDS 15.4 - Wood Columns with Side Loads and Eccentricity

NDS C15.4 - CLT Combined Axial and Bending

NDS 16, AWC TR 10, and AWC Fire Standard - Fire Design

NDS Appendix N - LRFD Design