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NDS 1.4 - Design Loads

1.4.3-Loads Included

SIZER includes dead, live, snow, wind, live roof, live storage, impact, and earthquake loads as load types, and allows you to specify that the either the live loads, live roof loads, or both are construction loads.

Impact loads are considered a live load by ASCE 7 and are not mentioned in 1.4.3, but load combinations are generated with impact loads considered as a separate load type because these combinations have a different load duration factor and a shear reduction factor for glulam members.

Live roof loads are not mentioned in 1.4.3 but are required by ASD load combinations in ASCE 7 2.4.1. These are loads due to things like rooftop gardens, parking, and assembly areas.

Live storage loads are not mentioned in 1.4.3 or defined in ASCE 7, but are included because they have a different LRFD time-effect factor than other live loads and are treated as permanent loads in deflection calculations.

NDS Commentary C2.3.2 indicates that it is conventional practice to consider a construction load as a roof live load for which the 1.25 load duration factor applies, so it is necessary to allow both construction roof live loads and occupancy live loads on the structure at the same time.

Sizer therefore has a check box "All roof live loads are construction loads" which allows roof live loads to be treated as construction loads even when live loads on other parts of the structure are not.

1.4.4-Load Combinations

For Beam, Column and Concept modes Sizer generates a comprehensive set of load combinations that reflect those recommended by the IBC and ASCE 7 building code authorities, for both ASD and LRFD design. Refer to Load Combinations

See also: Pattern loads

See Also

National Design Specification (NDS)

NDS 3.1.2 - Net Section Area

NDS 2.3 - General Adjustment Factors

NDS 3.2 - Bending Members - General

NDS 3.3 - Bending Members - Flexure

NDS 3.4 - Bending Members - Shear

NDS 3.5 - Bending Members - Deflection

NDS 3.6 , 3.7 and C3.7.1 - Compression Members and Solid Columns

NDS C3.7.1 - Alternative Stability Factor for CLT Wall Panels

NDS 3.8 Tension Members

NDS 3.9 - Combined Bending and Axial Loading, and Biaxial Bending

NDS 3.10 - Design for Bearing

NDS 4.3 - Adjustment Factors (Sawn Lumber)

NDS 4.4 and 5.4- Special Design Considerations

NDS 5.3, Supplement Tables 5A-5D - Glulam Adjustment Factors

NDS Appendix D and Supplement Table 5- Glulam E'min

NDS 7 - Wood I-Joists

NDS 8 - Structural Composite Lumber

NDS 10.3 - CLT Adjustment Factors

NDS 10.4.1 - CLT Stiffness

NDS 15.2 and 15.3 - Spaced and Built-up Columns

NDS 15.4 - Wood Columns with Side Loads and Eccentricity

NDS C15.4 - CLT Combined Axial and Bending

NDS 16, AWC TR 10, and AWC Fire Standard - Fire Design

NDS Appendix N - LRFD Design